What are Tiny Houses?
Simply put, the trend toward tiny houses has become a social movement. People are choosing to downsize the space they live in, simplify, and live with less. People are embracing the tiny life philosophy and the freedom that accompanies the tiny house lifestyle. The tiny house movement is about more than simply living in a small space (although, a small house is certainly part of it).
How Big is the Average Tiny House?
The typical home is around 2,600 square feet, whereas the typical small or tiny house definition is a home with square footage is between 100 and 400 square feet. While of course there aren’t any rules to joining the tiny house movement, when people refer to “the tiny life,” their tiny house generally falls under the 400 square foot level.
Tiny homes may be rented or owned. You may choose a mini home on wheels or your small home may set on a foundation. Most tiny houses are independent structures—some are parked on land with other buildings or a larger home. Other tiny houses are parked on their own lot. Some tiny houses are designed and built by the owner themselves, while others are purchased, adapted from trailers, or built from a tiny house kit. Tiny houses come in all shapes, sizes, and forms, but they all enable simpler living in a smaller, more efficient space.
What Tiny House Living Looks Like
Because the tiny life is lived on your own terms, it looks a little different for everyone. There are definitely commonalities amongst tiny house owners, though. There are also impressive savings many members of the tiny house movement experience.
Some of the tiny house info above may surprise you. 68% of tiny home owners have no mortgage (compared to 29.3% of all U.S. homeowners). It’s no surprise then, that more tiny home owners (78%) own their own home—plus, 55% of tiny home owners have more savings than the average American. 32% of tiny home owners have more than $10,000 tucked away for retirement.
A tiny home is easier to maintain because the average tiny home size is significantly smaller. Imagine the time you’ll save keeping up with the average tiny home square footage (just 186 square feet). The average “regular-sized” home in the U.S. is over 11 times larger! That’s much more time spent on upkeep.
Who buys tiny houses? More women than men (55% compared to 45%). Tiny house people are twice as likely to hold a Master’s degree and are on par with the average college graduation rates. 2 out of 5 tiny house owners are over 50. The average income is $42,038, which means that on average, tiny house owners are earning $478 more annually.
Living Big In A Tiny House – Youtube Link
This Dream Tiny House Is A Total Game Changer – Youtube Link